Why not take pleasure in life? Life is nice if you live it nicely, so why not gratify yourself?
There are many pleasures in life... Why not have a pleasant life?
The pleasure of having a dinner with friends, the pleasure of travelling, the pleasure of doing where you like, the pleasure of resting, the pleasure of sharing moments with your partner, etc.
There is nothing wrong with pleasure. Daily pleasures make your life better. But as I already mention extremes are not good at all. To much pleasure could kill you (Lol). You can enjoy the pleasures of life while being a down-to-earth person. You should take the control of your life, and enjoy your life, but excess of pleasures tend to distract yourself from your lives.
If you like drinking wine, and you enjoy it, Ok!, as long as you don't wake up naked in the middle of the park (I mean, you lose the control of your life).
Another important point to be made is that pleasures are not good if you damage your environment (or yourself). I mean, a drunk person can be funny for the first five minutes, but if you have to be with them for a long time, they stop being funny.
From pleasure we can get happiness!
The art of getting happiness from pleasure is known as Temperance, what I would sum up as Living in Balanced!
"La moderaciĆ³n presupone el placer; la abstinencia, no.
Por eso hay mas abstemios que moderados."