Tuesday, 29 July 2008

And ten years later...

The New Millenium brougth hopes and worries... but nothing new in its essence.
Life is quite cyclical, everything happend again and again in different or similar ways. The point is how can we avoid repeting the events that were not so good. Avoid doing or repeting the mistakes from the past. How can we plan our future, how can we make a better future...

As human beings we are part of the flock. We are surrounded by our peers, those who are similar to us and reflect us. But as soon as somebody different appears... BOOM! Discrimination! Segregation!
We are all immigrants in the Earth, and we will be here for a while (life is not so long) so, treat the mankind the way you like to be treated. Be hospitable and kind. Treat the Earth as if it were your home, because it belongs to you and to your inheritors and the rest of us.

Just trust yourself and trust on you peers. Give the best of you... and we all gonna get a better world, but we need to be together!

Si diez años después te vuelvo a encontrar en algún lugar,
no te olvides que soy distinto de aquél pero casi igual. (...)

Aquello fue un gran punto de partida,
pero a la vez qué fácil se olvida.
Diez años después quién puede volver atrás.
Estamos en la tierra cuatro días
y el cielo no me ofrece garantías:
diez años después mejor volver a empezar.

Si tu credulidad se deterioró en algún lugar,
no te olvides que soy testigo casual de tu soledad.

Si diez años después no estamos igual, qué le vas a hacer.
Otros diez años más y luego, empezar juntos otra vez.

(...)Diez años después el tiempo empieza a pesar.
(...)Diez años después mejor reír que llorar.

(...)Hoy, diez años después, todo sigue igual, nunca te llegó.

Dentro del corazón, al día de hoy, no queda lugar.
Si perdí la razón, no fue por amor, fue por soledad.

La vida es una gran sala de espera,
la otra es una caja de madera.
Diez años después mejor dormir que soñar.
No se puede vivir de otra manera,
porque si no la gente ni se entera.
Diez años después quién puede volver atrás.

Diez años después, mejor decir que callar.
Los Rodriguez

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Life.... What for?

What can I do with my life? What should we do with our lives? How can I know the meaning of life? Has it got any meaning? Is life worthy of being lived? Are there something after death?or it's just death and that's it?

When we are born we are given something unique and invaluable:

We don't learn how valuable are our lives till we get older or we loose a beloved somebody, even then we cannot estimate the valuable gift we have in our hands.

We have very little time to be here (in life) and learn how to live. We make many mistakes, sometimes when we get olders with our white hairs we whisper 'if I could be young again...' and tend to advise those young people who seem to be wasting their time and lives...

Our duty in life is live it and find or make up the purpose for our life.
Life has meaning, we are here as the result of love (in the best of the situations) and to do something.

Life is not a game, we cannot repeat moves and generally we cannot correct certain movemetns. Anyway we are given a lot of different opportunities. What we need first of all is to know what is that that we want, think how to get there and reflect on what we are doing.
We are going to make a lot of mistakes, we are human beings and is part of our nature, but we can learn to avoid them or find new ways and possibilities.

Life is not an exact science, where we always get the same results.
'The good life' is not something general, and it's not manufactured in mass production. Each of us must create our own 'good life' according to our likes, uniqueness, irrepetible, individual and fragile.


Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Ethics and politics: Spot the difference

Ethics has to do with choosing the best options and living the best possible way. Ethics has to do with our own freedom and how we deal with it. Ethics helps us to want the good things of life. It has to do with improving ourselves, wanting to be or become better human beings. Ethics helps to answer: How do I want to be?

The aim of poilitics is to organize the social affairs in order to let each member of the society to choose what is convenient or good for them.
Politics trys to coordinate what the whole does with its freedom in order to be beneficial for all.
In politics the results of the actions taken are important, no matter what for.
Politics' aim is that the majority of the whole work in armony.

From ethics... The ideal political organization:

a) It has to start from freedom, and it has to respect social freedom. It also has to regulate the social resposibilities.

b) It has to treat and consider the people as human kinds!
That's be able to stand on their shoes. Justice.

c) To be on other's shoes has to do with recognize them as equals and their dignity. It has to assist those who suffer within the society.

FREEDOM, JUSTICE and ASSISTANCE are the three fundamental pillars for an ethical and political organization.

The fragmentation of the world do nothing but hold up the possible solutions.

The break of the armony and balance caused by the selfish self-interests of the man make the situation worst, and blind them at the extreme of not knowing when to stop, where's the limit.

"Sólo cuando el último árbol esté muerto,
el último río envenenado,
el último pez atrapado,
daremos cuenta
no se puede comer dinero"