Why didn't Rita go to Frank's dinner party?
At first, Rita was enthusiastic about the dinner party but not Denny. They had an argument about it, but anyway she wanted to go...
Something had already changed in Rita. She was very sociable, not an introverted woman at all, but now she feels insecure...
She cannot decide what sort of wine she should buy. She feels unable to talk to the other guests. She feels that everybody is going to laught at her. She feels that she is not going to fit or find her place in this party. She feels like a fish out of water.
I think that the dinner party and her life are a reflection (or consequence) of what is happening whith her studies. It's the beginning of the change, she is learning something new, she is experiencing new situations and she is seeing life from a new point of view, that is why she feels insecure, everything is new and she doesn't know how to react to this new situations.
Rita writes her essays with passion. She is unique, she still has this "something" that makes her different from the rest of the students. Frank doesn't want to change her. But she wants to start with the change...
The change which will make her able to feel secure with the rest of the students; which make her able to appreciate other things...
A change that will allow her to start again, to start a new (different) life...