Ethics main interest has to do with: how to live a good human life ... a good life among humans. We're unique, irrepetible, very different from the rest, with different cultures, languages, likes, customs, etc. but....
Friendship and respect are the most beautiful feeling among people.
Even the worst person (is still a human being) can learn to transform himself into a better person, or behave in a different way (better for all of us - humans).
If we sow love and caring, we're going to get love in return. Bad people lack of caring and love. If it's true that we learn by experinece and imitation, then bad people need to experience love before they can love somebody else. Love is paramount in any relation (at least some regard).
(and treat the rest as well)
(and treat the rest as well)
To be able to treat others as human beings, we need to see from their point of view, we need to be in their shoes, we need to understand them deeply... And from my viewpoint, there is no better way to know the others as getting to know you very well. In that ... we're all humans! To conclude, I think we are again refering to: don't do others what you don't like to be done to you.
Todos los humanos estamos hechos de la sustancia con la que se trenzan los suelos.Shakespeare
How do you decide who is "the worst person", Pamela?
Anyway, if the first step towards becoming (growing
as?) a human being is feeling loved, it follows a
teacher's job would start by making sure his students
have lived such experience, right?
I wonder if many teachers start their days planning
their jobs in this light!
Do you?
Hi Gladys,
I don't know if such "worst person" exists. The idea is try to have a good life, try to fit in the world (find your place).
Let's imagine a big jigzaw; each piece represets a person, of course the pieces are different and they might not fit with all the rest of the pieces. If we try to make it fit anyway, we might damage it and probably we might also damage the rest of the pieces around it.
So, try to fit, learn to behave, find your place, that was what I mean.
I think that if we are not loved or if we don't have any possitive regard, we are out of the world. There is always somobody... (no?)
I don't know if we need to start by checking that all the students have experienced love. Maybe if they are studying is because somebody loves them, told them to do it because it's good. I don't know.
I think that at least we can be kind and open to our students.
You wrote:
"Maybe if they are studying is because somebody loves them".
I say:
Studying, probably... but attending school is not the same, is it?
One last thing: "finding our place in the world" does not necessarily mean the same as "fitting in", does it? BTW, have you seen "Happy Feet" (the movie, I mean)?
All the best,
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