Monday, 28 April 2008


I think this is a big question and the answer, in my case, is changing very often. I don't like to plan things in long term, of course I have some goals and dreams I want to achieve (perhaps in long term). But sometimes I resign or postpone some dreams for later on, or I simply change my mind on them and replace them with some new dreams.

We are free to dream, and we are free to reach or not each dream, it just depends on us. But, what I think it is also very important is the value we put on each of them. I mean I should make a balance with priorities, necesities and whishes... That is why I should carefully know what is what I want, and reflect on that.
And then the answer comes to my mind and seems so simple and easy: LIVE A GOOD LIFE.

But, in fact it's not so easy. Some people seem to be dead on life, they have no goals, no aims, no hope, no nothing... They are dead, because they think that anyway they are going to die... Let me tell you something nobody can scape from that (not yet - and not taking into account religion) but at least we can make our lives and the lives of the ones around us a little better, pleasant, etc.

"I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens."

"La vida puede no ser la fiesta que esperamos, pero mientras estemos aquí, ¡deberíamos bailar!"

Friday, 25 April 2008


Why should I have to do the same adults do?
What do we need to be a good man (or woman)?
How can I determine if a person is good or not?
Why all forbiden things are more apealing than the 'legal' ones?
Is it possible to exist such place as Theleme Abby? I think it's utopian.

If you want to act in an ethical way... do what ever you want, whenever you want...
(but stay there to see what comes next)

"Lo mejor que contiene el mundo se encuentra en la cantidad de mundos que el mundo contiene. Está bien que haya tantas contradicciones. Ahí reside la vida activa" Eduardo Galeano

Monday, 14 April 2008

Automatic Pilot

It's true, the majority of acts in our life are done in automatic pilot. We tend to avoid thinking to much about daily routine (don't you think it's a waste of time use hours to decide if we prefer coffee or tea for breackdast?).
can Motives run the automatic pilot for us. Motives are the reasons why we behave this or that way. As for motives, wemention
orders (given by an adult, authority, etc.), customs (because we're used to do something and we repetit, and perhaps all the people around us tend to do the same), and caprices (we do what we want, by impulse). But what I think is important here is the weight each motive has, or the weight we give to them. What is more important for me? To follow an order (in order not to be against the authority), a costume (just because it is comfortable and easy) or a caprice (just because).
But sometimes to observe an order, or to follow a costume is not enough, not even to mention caprices.Sometimes in life, we have to take an important decision, and we want this decision to be correct, but it's not that easy. We allways run the risk of making a mistake.
Taking a decision allways imply to reject other options, and who knows...
(there is no automatic pilot in this case) you have to take the risk.
=P No pains, no gains!

Monday, 7 April 2008


We all want to have the ability to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. Animals have a great advantage over human beings, because they seem already programed to live in certain way - the correct way!
But what is amazing is the fact that we - human beings- are FREE to choose the way we live. To be honest, we are always limited by our own possibilities (cultural, economical, physical, etc.), but what is true is the fact that we can choose among many options. There is always another option, another viewpoint, another side of the situations, it depends on where are we standing (or where we choose to stand) at the very moment.
There are many things I can do, because I'm free, but not everything depends on my will. People's necesities and wills restrict my freedom (and the other way about). Anyway it is important to be consciuos of our freedom, because it is a powerful tool through which we can make a difference in the world... How? for example transmiting our values.
To sum up, we are free to choose the way (the good or the bad one) in which we live. But we have to be careful no to mistake what we choose. We have to learn the "art of living," that is learn to live in a good way.