What do we need to be a good man (or woman)?
How can I determine if a person is good or not?
Why all forbiden things are more apealing than the 'legal' ones?
Is it possible to exist such place as Theleme Abby? I think it's utopian.
If you want to act in an ethical way... do what ever you want, whenever you want...
(but stay there to see what comes next)
"Lo mejor que contiene el mundo se encuentra en la cantidad de mundos que el mundo contiene. Está bien que haya tantas contradicciones. Ahí reside la vida activa" Eduardo Galeano
Hi Pame!
What a lot of "big questions"!
My answer to the first one ("why should I do as adults do?"), I'd reply: "Who said you should??". BTW, do you think adults always do what's right?
I'd like to ask you why you think the abbey of Thélème is utopian... (This will be most relevant as we start discussing ancient ethics during Unit 3!)
Hi Gladys!
I already have many questions and you add more ?! (I'm just kidding).
I think adults expect that teens (especially) start behaving like adults. e.g.g take responsibilities, etc.
Of course is not written anywhere that we SHOULD.
And of course adults male a lot of mistakes. Nobody is perfect, we always make some mistakes.
As for the Theleme Abby... Let me think a little more about it and I will answer later.
Let me compensate for the mess I've created (at least try!). I think I can answer your question "Why are all forbiden things more apealing than the 'legal' ones?"
My idea: if they weren't "appealing", no one would have needed to take the trouble to make them illegal, would they? :-P
Smile and sleep tight!
LOL.... I like your answer very much! hahaha...
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