As Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton said "the pen is mighter than the sword". I believe that knowledge is "power", knowledge not only opens your senses and helps you to see and discover things, but it also gives you a kind of power, which nobody can steal from you.
Rita is immersed in an emvironment where life is very simple. Her duty is to work and spend time with her husband and friends, that's all. She is inside a vicious circle.
People are there to live, not think about life or anything. The fact that Rita wants to learn will help her to change her environment (if she wants) will help her to think about other realities, even when the people around her don't like the idea that she can change her way of thinking, living (and maybe leave them).
Learning opens people's minds, learning empowers people. Knowledge makes people feel stronger (other people cannot deceive them).
I think this situation is repeated many times in the entire world. Just as an example, George Orwell's "Animal Farm" just crossed from my mind, where ignorant animals are deceived and controlled by those who knows a little more. They are deceived because they cannot read.
What I learn from you about art an' literature, it feeds me, inside. I can get through the rest of the week if I know I've got comin' here to look forward to.
Denny tried to top me comin' tonight. he tried to get me to go out to the pub with him an' his mates. (...) They hate it when one of them tries to break away. It makes me stronger comin' here. That's what Denny's frightened of.
Hi Pam!
You are right to say that learning opens people's mind and empowers them.That knowledge is a kind of power that nobody can steal from you.
The point is that we should use that power for the better. I mean,
not to exert it on other people's life but to enjoy it through the new opportunities it offers and to help people know about it.
As teachers-to-be, our aim should be like Plato's in the "Allegory of the Cave"(do you remember?) where the philosopher returns to the cave to make people be aware of their reality and to save them from the veil of ignorance. I love it!
Hi Lili,
Yes, I remember the cav very well, I had to prepare a special class about Plato (do you remember hehe).
And It's true knowledge is freedom. I wish more people realize that we are still inside the cavern. That reminds me of Dewey.
Though I'd really hesitate to agree with the statement that "Rita is immersed in an emvironment where life is very simple", Pam, I do support your other statement 100%: learning empowers people. Now, as an educator, what does this imply for you?
Eager to read your answer!
Hi GLadys,
Maybe I chose a wrong word, by simple I meant that she has to follow a routine and that's it. You don't need to think much, you work for a living and that's it. I don't know if make my point?
As I already say knowledge opens your mind to new things... (see the previous post and commetns), and learning empowers people.
What we have in our hands as educators is gold. Is our duty to "melt" it and "shape" it... At least give the opportunities to know that we can do many things with our life. We have "the future" in our hands and we must be aware of that.
At least that is what come to my mind by now...
I loved the idea of Knowledge being Power, Pam!
It is definetely true, and better if you use it for Good, as Lili says.
Spreading around your Knowledge is a good way of taking a stand, agreeing or disagreeing with somebody, etc.
Discussion, in my opinion, is enriching and also builds up your Power too!
Hi Ro,
Yes that's true... everything or everytime you can share something (whatever) with somebody is enriching for both. You can always learn something new, by talking with somebody or discussing, etc.
Knowledge...Power to the people...
See you,
Pame and Romi: who is to "shape the future"? who is to decide if people should use their power "for good" or "for evil"? Are these decisions the teacher's responsibility?
See you around!
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