Rita claims that the course provides her with life. She feels satisfy, she is very happy with the course and she wants to keep doing it.
I think it's reasonable and maybe predictable that Denny, her husband, gets jelous. When somebody starts doing something, such as taking a course, job, or any kind of activity the people around him/her may fell neglected or rather abandoned. And it's true when we make a choice we have to resign to other things, and sometimes resign to spend time with people we love. What is more, Rita seems so excited about her carrer and her teacher that makes a good reason for Deeny to be jelous.
Although she is right to be angry with her husband actitud and the fact that he burned her books, I agree with Frank that they have to talk. If she is so happy with the course she has to do it and he should suppot her.
"Comin' here, doin' this, it's given me more life then I've had in years, an' he should be able to see that."
Why should Denny support Rita, Pamela? And how is she supporting him, BTW?
You say he's right to feel jealous of her studies... Is it morally right then for Frank to encourage this kind of behaviour in Rita?
Tough questions, wouldn't you say?
Hi Gladys,
I think Denny should support Rita because he is her husband, and he might love her. And if she is doing something she likes (and studying is not morally wrong)and she feels happy oing that, why not to encourage her.
What's BTW?
I don't know if it's right to feel jelous, but it's probably and it's quite normal (depending on the person's character). I think Frank has nohting to do with the cuple, they should try to solve their problems alone.
You mean when Frank invites her to the bar?
BTW= "by the way". Sorry if I use too many acronyms! :-P
I don't mean Frank's invitation to the pub, at least not only then... I mean if it's right for a teacher to encourage someone to do something that means going against the people she's promised to support and live by...
Give it a thought!
AH ok, now I get it.
I don't know, it's a difficult question. I think the one who must do the choice is Rita and she wants to study. Frank... he should encourage her to go on with her studies as long as he doesn't interfier with her family.
I'm still thinking that she is not doing any damage, and that the one who must re-think the situation is Denny. Anyway, Frank might take some distance, or maybe give her more free time to share with Denny (even then Rita won't be happy because she wants to study).
Many times the educational institutions (not only the school) are againts our previous education, the one we receive at home, and many times it's very difficult for the students to deal with the preassure of going against the 'family'. It happens to me very often, specially at exam weeks, because I neglect my family and they want me to stay with them or whatever.
Anyway I think studying is worth... so... Rita Go Ahead!!!
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