Rita discovers that pretending leads nowhere. She was hungry of knowledge and she really wanted to fit in this "social group."
But then she relized that as well as her, the rest of the students were not what she thought. She changed her point of view and her opinion of them. At the beginning of the story she was fascinated with them, because she considered as educated people, but in what respect to their "spiritual" or "scential" or "that" what makes a person, she was disappointed. I think she started looking at them as she used to see her clients at the beauty saloon.
Frank makes a point when he says "... I put rather more emphasis on the word woman than the word educated."
It's more important the person itself rather than the education the person has acquired.
I mean it's important to be educated as long as the education doesn't "run over" your being.
I think Rita finish cutting Frank's hair as a way of showing that she didn't loose her identity, and at the same time she is sharing part of what she is with Frank.
"Knowlege is chasing me, but I'm faster..."
I loved the last quote Pam!
I think knowledge was chancing Rita, so she couldn´t see properly.
When she stepped outside of this "race" she saw that there were other things surrounding her but knowledge that also mattered: Trish´s situation, Frank´s emotions, and so on.
Rita as a hairdresser is part of her identity, her old life, the part Frank feared she would loose.
Hi Romi!
Absolutely right, sometimes as Rita we all need to stop the race to see the way 'clearer'...
Frank will not loose what he likes about Rita!
See you,
I really liked your idea that by the end of the play Rita has come to see proper students "as she used to see her clients at the beauty saloon", Pame... I also nodded enthusiastically as you said "it's important to be educated as long as the education doesn't 'run over' your being". Not sure all teachers remember that all the time, though! :-P!
It's encouraging to finish this story with a Rita who can comfortably be a hairdresser as well as a university student (of Literature!). I wonder how many of you feel the education at TTC has contributed to helping your identity grow in similar ways too... Hope at least I've not interfered in such a process!
Big hug,
Hi Gladys,
What a question! I think I have to do the same as Rita did, stop for a while and think.
For sure I've aacquired a lot of knowledge and learned a lot.
But sometimes I think I need more time to reflect upon what I'm learning, I need to experienced the knowledge in the practice in order to make it really a part of my self.
Unlukily I cannot stop to think now... I have to study for a final exam, so this is something else in my pending list...
See you in the exam!
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