She cannot stand this idea of making "Beauty" the most important thing of life. It doesn't fill her as a human, because she is passionate, she is open to other things - to important and spiritual matters which really make her life.
The same happend with her name, Rita realized that her name was just external, irrelevant. The name is not what makes the person. She is no longer Rita.
She is an educated woman now. She has the tools needed to study, and she feels she can do whatever she wants. She thinks she found her place.
Frank feels abandoned, neglected. Rita does not tell him everything as she used to do (as the change of job, name, etc.). He feels a bit disappointed, he feels responsible for the changes he had done or foster in Rita. This "New Rita" is his creation, his "FrankenRita." That is why he suggest changing his name into Mary Shelley.
To conclude with his complain he asked her how should he call her now?
Virginia... under V. Wolf, Jane under J. Brontë, or Charlotte or Emily Austen.
"What is essential is invisible to the eye"
hahaha I loved the FrankenRita!!!!
But I think that name could be applied to both: Frank AND Rita!
Both have a little bit of each other inside of them, don´t you think?
Kisses Romi
Yes Pam. Rita has huge changes in different aspects of her life.
I think that these changes are consequences of this process related to education is some way.
What do you think?
See You!
Hi Rominassss....
I think that when we teach we cannot avoid receiving something in exchage (I'm not talking about money). Sometimes this little or big thing we receive cause or foster changes in us. And if we take into account that Rita with her personality is the student, Frank for sure will change in some way or another.
See you girls!
Hi Pame!
I do think she really appreciates Frank but she feels dissapointed but she can perceive that Frank is not happy for her progress and that makes her feel really irritated.Don`t you think so?
Hi Maru,
I don't think Frank is unhappy with her progress. By now he is quite disappointed. He is angry with himself because he feels he has spoiled Rita's essence (which is not true).
I think they really appreciate each other, and that is what makes them get angry or irritated.
What do you think?
"Ritamorphosis", "Frankenrita"... You certainly have a talent for coining new terms, Pame!!!
Why do you think Frank believes he's "spoiled Rita's essence"? And why do you say he hasn't?
And one final question: as a teacher, have you ever experienced this learning from your students which you say is likely to happen in our classes?
Hi Gladys,
Why do you think Frank believes he's "spoiled Rita's essence"?
I think Frank values Rita as she is at the begining, but as she wanted to change and she tried different ways to do so Frank thinks she is not showing what she really is, her beatiful part, her essence.
And why do you say he hasn't?
Because she didn't change her essence, she just pretended to be.
No answer for the final question. I don't know if it will happend one day... no idea...
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