I think this is a big question and the answer, in my case, is changing very often. I don't like to plan things in long term, of course I have some goals and dreams I want to achieve (perhaps in long term). But sometimes I resign or postpone some dreams for later on, or I simply change my mind on them and replace them with some new dreams.
We are free to dream, and we are free to reach or not each dream, it just depends on us. But, what I think it is also very important is the value we put on each of them. I mean I should make a balance with priorities, necesities and whishes... That is why I should carefully know what is what I want, and reflect on that. And then the answer comes to my mind and seems so simple and easy: LIVE A GOOD LIFE.
But, in fact it's not so easy. Some people seem to be dead on life, they have no goals, no aims, no hope, no nothing... They are dead, because they think that anyway they are going to die... Let me tell you something nobody can scape from that (not yet - and not taking into account religion) but at least we can make our lives and the lives of the ones around us a little better, pleasant, etc.
"I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens."
"La vida puede no ser la fiesta que esperamos, pero mientras estemos aquí, ¡deberíamos bailar!"
Hi pame! I like the idea on making a balance between wishes, priorities and necessities. Sometimes they can be related or even the same thing and sometimes they clash; that is when difficulty appears!
Keep on blogging
It's not easy to really determine what we want, is it? I remember learning (when reading In Your Hands) about how we should not only consider what we'll get if we make a certain decision, but also what it'll cost us to get it, and then ask ourselves if we're positive we want the results despite their cost...
Not an easy lesson for me, but I've been trying hard to learn it!
Hi Pame,
It's so sad to see how some people think that they can do nothing and even more when they have no hope.
So, let's us think about our priorities, wishes, necessities,...
slowly but without pause, without postponing or giving up do them so that we can raise somebody's hope.
I agree with you Pame in that we can't always know what to do with our lifes. But we surely can do is adjust our existence to whatever happens along the way!! ... We only need to be ready to face consequences and cope with them.
Hi Romi!
Yes I think is like that. Sometimes when they clash (wishies and priorities)we have no other possibility but resign to one of htem (or postpone it).
See you Pame!
Hi Gladys!
Sometimes, taking into account how difficult or how much it will cost me to get what I want scare me. And I might give it up even before trying it.
But if the reward is worth, I will try it anyway.
So, sometimes I avoid thinking a lot on certain things. But I saty to see what happens next...
Hi Lili...
Yes it's true what you said. That is whay I think it's important to show, or to help people to be aware of the great possibilities life offers them every day.
To tell the true, many times is not that easy.
But... THINK + !!!!
Hi Lau!
That's true for sure. We must stay to see what happens next!
I friend of mine once told me that I was the friend of her that better adjust to her own friends. (I'm sorry to tell you but the friend of your friends are not always your friends - as Xuxa used to sung). So I conseder myself at least a bit mallebale.
See you,
You've certainly got a point there, Pame! I always joke about this: if I had known all having a child would bring about, I'm not sure I'd have dared to take the plunge! (not that sure that's a joke, in fact!).
Actually, I guess that applies to many of the steps we take in life...
God give us the strength to stay and live up to the consequences of our human acts! Or just human nature, if you do not believe in God!
Big hug,
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